
IKE 1106
Fall 2015

Instructor: Jeff Lebow Office: D571  Email: pufslebow@gmail.com
Office Hours: Tuesdays 5~7pm,  Thursdays 4pm~6pm or by appointment  
Course Website >>>  http://ike1106.blogspot.kr

I. Description:
This course is designed to equip students with background knowledge and terminology of important global issues that are often the themes of major international conferences

II. Course textbook/resources
There is no textbook for this course. Materials will be posted on the course website (http://ike1106.blogspot.kr). An extensive list of online materials can be found in the ‘Resources’ section of the course website.   Sometimes handouts will be provided.  Other times, students will be expected to print out materials before class.  Students will be required to post assignments on their own blogs and/or Google Docs. We will also use tools like Quizlet for self-study, and Band for in-class activities and between-class communication.

III. Instruction Methods:
In class activities will include a variety of written and spoken activities related to translation and interpretation tasks. We will make use of technology when it aids learning. Blogs and Google Docs will be used by students to create an online portfolios. These will include most  writing assignments which will allow students to self and peer-assess each other's work.  

IV. Grading
Students will be assessed according to the following criteria
20% Attendance
20% Participation
20% Assignments
20% Mid-Term
20% Final Exam
There will be regular assignments given through the semester.  The midterm and final exams will include a take-home assignment and an in-class component.   Plagiarism (intentional or not) will result in significant loss of points or possibly an ‘F’.  

Instructor Notes
If you are absent
 a)  please check the course website for information about any assignments you are still expected to complete
 b) and you think it should be excused, show me official documentation in class AND send an email to puflebow@gmail.com explaining your absence (if you think it should be excused).

Please make every effort to arrive on time. Those arriving more than five minutes late will be marked tardy. Students who start ‘packing up’ before class has been dismissed will also be marked tardy! Those more than 20 minutes late will be marked absent for that hour.  Please do not engage in off-task phone usage. Feel free to speak with me (in person or via email) any time you have questions or concerns about this course.

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