Friday, November 6, 2015

Week#11 Discussion Topics

Class A
Voting ban on prisoners convicted of serious crimes is lawful, EU court rules

Discussion Questions

Before you discuss them….Take a stance (different from your partner, pro or con) and consider at least three supporting ideas.

1. Do you believe prisoners should be given the vote? Why?

2. Do you think stripping prisoners of their voting constitutes breaching their basic human rights?

3. What category of prisoner should be banned from voting? Misdemeanor? Felony? Or a blanket ban on all prisoners?

4. Should the person who takes away other’s human rights, such as a murderer, be deprived of his human rights?

* Do you think there should be any kind of requirements or licensing process in order to vote (for all citizens)?

5. (If you still have time) Switch your stance with your partner’s and debate the topic. Try to persuade your partner.

Class B
This coming Tuesday, we'll have time to talk about meaningful lives.
I've believe in the idea that each person has a reason to be born.
So, let's share our ideas about the purposes, goals, or aims in our lives.


1. What is the most important value in your life?

2. If you consider the value the most meaningful, why do you think so?

3. What do you think about volunteering acitivities?

4. Have you ever done any voluntery activities in your life?

5. If you've had any chances to do voluntery work for others, how did it affect you in your life?

6. If you haven 't done any voluntery service for other people, what kind of services do you want to do?

7. Which person do you want people to remember you as after your death?

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