Monday, November 30, 2015

Week#14 Discussion Topics

Class A

Shutdown Law     From:
Hi! I just uploaded an article for next Tuesdays class. I hope you enjoy the class!

Study Article:
1. What kinds of games did you play in the past? (or are you playing now) Please share interesting game stories of your own.
2. Do you think the link between playing games and the reality is closely related?
3. If you were a CEO of NEXON, what kinds of games would you make to have a competitive edge in the market?
4. Do you think shutdown rule (which forces kids under the age of 16 to stop playing online games) is reasonable? Discuss your ideas with your classmates.


I would like to post our 14 weeks article! I hope you make a decision about this issue.

Reference site:

Class B

A new landscape of lakes, scree slopes, hills and large boulders is revealed after a glacier retreats. Glaciers in Iceland—and throughout the Arctic—are vanishing due to a rapidly warming climate. 9Feo Pitcairn Fine Art)
A new landscape of lakes, scree slopes, hills and large boulders is revealed after a glacier retreats. Glaciers in Iceland—and throughout the Arctic—are vanishing due to a rapidly warming climate. 9Feo Pitcairn Fine Art)
Discussion Questions.
1. What is the biggest reasons for melting glaciers?
2. How do we have to do to prevent the environmental pollution? and especially what?
3. What is COP-21?
4. There are many forms of climate change summit, and every year the global leaders gather to discuss climate change and make some resolution to protect the earth, but environmental pollution is getting serious. how do you think about that?
5. what is your individual act to reduce the pollution?



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